All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If a blogger blogs in the woods and no one is there to read it, is it still blogging?

If a blogger blogs in the woods and no one is there to read it, is it still blogging?

when the writing won't come
write anyway.

when the writing won't come
write any way.

ANY way.

Any WAY.

Here I am writing...because I know there are words trying to get out and I have to put them somewhere. I can feel them pounding on the locked doors inside my head and heart...trying, trying, trying to get out.

I started this blog exactly 11 months ago yesterday and promptly did a lot of nothing with it.

See? Below there is a lot of Nothing! Ta-da! [UPDATE as of 10/11/10: I have gone back and filled in all of the writing I was doing elsewhere, but trust me, I'd done absolutely nothing with this writing space...Heh! ]

Silence has its place, I'll grant you, but not here! Silence here is beyond useless. A silent blog does nothing and it does it pointlessly. (Which may be some sort of Zen statement come to think of it, but that wasn't my intent.) It sits there in the ether with nothing to say and no one to say it. It waits impatiently for typing to happen and words to appear. It lurks, it lingers, it lacks and it longs. Poor lonely blog. How I have forsaken you. :)

when the writing won't come
write anyway.

when the writing won't come
write any way.

ANY way.

Any WAY.

Here I am. Writing anyway.

Oh...and here's a photo I took. Apropos of nothing.

© Tanya Anguita

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