All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #41 -- 4/3/10

I am here, Life, drinking from your sweetest cup. I have no thirst tonight...I am sated by thankfulness,gratitude of the highest magnitude, and topped off with a loving spoonful of grace, which I can, will, and do joyfully share with those beloved to me.

My song of thanks tonight is a quiet one, but no less fervent for its subtlety. There are nuances to my gratitude. It comes in many colours, shapes, sizes and flavors. Tonight mine hums a quiet tune in the background as I go about my business. It is a constant companion; a familiar -- curled up at the bottom of my bed purring contentedly as I type. I can reach out and scritch between its ears or not, as warranted, but it will not disappear. For just as I belong to it, it too is mine..

Ahhhh....Sweet Gratitude...resting space for my spirit, counter of blessings, reminder of all things good...what a gracious respite you are for a sometimes weary soul. I sing you tonight in my heart of hearts and do not take my blessed life or the magnificent people I have in it for granted. Thank you, Life. Truly....thank you. You are delicious.

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