All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #34 -- 11/20/09

Hmmm....I'm feeling up-in-the-airish tonight. I'm still sitting in so many maybes and almosts in my life right now...and I'm not so fond of or good at limbo. It isn't where I'm comfortable...I like forward movement...action...and limbo is rubbing wrong against my spirit.

I am feeling a little bit conflicted, mired in uncertainty, and slightly baffled by the sudden onset of a mood tainted a subtle shade of indigo. A case of the blues? Nope, not really....more like a small glass of it....but still, there is a little bit of azure on all of my emotional laundry tonight and I'm thinking some thankfulness might be the bleach my soul needs to get those feelings clean and shiny again. :)

So with out further preamble tonight, my gratitudes include:

1) Watching others write daily gratitudes this month. It is really nice to see and I'm so glad that people are able to remind themselves of their small and large joys on a daily basis. Plus it is an excellent reminder to embrace my own thankfulness. I really think positive thinking is something that has to become habit...I can attest to that from my own experience...and gratitude really is an amazing reminder of why I can and should be positive in my life. Not false positivity...but the kind that comes from realizing how blessed I truly am on a regular basis. It is incredible what a difference this has made for me in how I feel about most everything. I feel like I've gained perspective and strength from feeding the part of my soul that is grateful...and boy...what an amazing thing that can be. Hooray for gratitude. :) Hooray!

2) Ryowa Ramen House sesame ramen. Yum. Ryowa is this funny little ramen house on University Ave...and they make yummy bowls bigger than your head...and it is tastilicious! Tonight the 5ish year old daughter of one of the cooks and I played with her strawberry shortcake stamp until the food came. It was a lovely way to wait. :)

3) The incredible generosity of my friends. People keep offering couches to me should I not find a place to live this month and I'm so thankful to and for you all. An enormous thanks to Amy and Katie in particular. I truly don't know what I'd do without the two of you sometimes. THANK YOU!

4) Knowing that I have next week off to pack, sort housing out, and get ready for Dickens Fair. Phew...I love it when I'm smart!

5) The gift of connection and re-connection that Facebook keeps giving me. Funny thing this definitely has some frustrating quirks....but has some really excellent aspects as well and for that I'm thankful. :)

6) Homemade Oatmeal Cookies. Yum!

7) Clean sheets. I love the feeling of getting into clean sheets. It is a simple decadence and it makes me happy. Mmmm...clean sheets.

8) Lists...they help me track things....and with my wiring...lists are a great thing.

9) Clever and moving lyricists who are able to express things far more gracefully than I seem to be capable of. Hooray for good songwriters.

10) The wealth of incredible writers I have in my life...and their willingness to share their writing with me. So much creativity and yum! Thank you for being inspirational!

Yep...finding gratitude really can shift my attitude...and hooray for that. I feel all shiny and clean now.

And on that note, I bid you all a sweet good night!

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