All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4/28/09 – Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #6 – The better late than never edition!

2/1/09 -- Outside Jodie's

This positive thinking thing really does breed more positive thinking. I’m really enjoying it. It is kind of great so:

1) Positive thinking breeds more positive thinking! Look at all those little positive thoughts running amok. Aren’t they cute? (Amokamokamokamok!) Seriously though, I’m finding that this exercise in positive thought is keeping my negative thoughts a little further at bay. I start to hear them creeping in around the edges now and am able to ferret them out and tell them to calm down some of the time. SUCH a lovely relief.

2) Yep, Sara was right. Honey from a co-worker’s hive + warm oatmeal = one of the most fabulous breakfasts ever. So lucky!

3) The hilarity that comes from years of working/singing/performing with people is so fabulous when it clicks. Had the first rehearsal of the year with Blame It On Eve (Deb, Robin & Myself) last night. There were good conversations, lots of sorting and firming of ideas, some fabulously inspired moments, AND some truly hilarious moments that resulted in side-splitting laughter. Thanks you, Lovelies, I needed that.

4) The remarkable sense of play that all of you share with me! Play is such a vitally important part of life and so many people forget how to do it. Thank you all for remembering how!

5) The digital clock game and the intelligent humorousness that sprung from it yesterday. I love your brilliance. Truly! I’m entertained, awed, and humbled. Such a lovely combination!

6) Going to the post office in the late afternoon at work. It gives me a little head clearing time at the end of long day and allows me to stretch my legs. I love being sent on walking errands by my work. Which leads to:

7) Walking. Love it. So thankful that I can. Don’t take it for granted. It is one of my favorite forms of exercise. It gets me outside, gets my blood pumping, slows my thoughts enough that I can focus, and allows me to see things that I wouldn’t if I were in a car or bus.

8) Burrito-ey goodness. I think burritos are one of the most fabulous foods out there. They are simple, come in their own carrier that you can EAT, and are tasty. If you do them right, they’re also pretty good for you. My current fave is rice, black bean and avocado burritos. So yummy. In fact, I may have one for dinner again tonight because at $4.40 cents…how can I go wrong?

9) The fact that I get to do this exercise twice today. Double the positive thoughts.

10) Knowing last night that going to bed was the right thing to do instead of writing this. That being said, the irony of not being able to sleep until 1 a.m. is something I’m choosing to find funny today.

Wheee! Here I am. Round 1 is done today. Round two to come!

Hugs to all!

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