All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #49 -- 10/3/10

Where do I start? This weekend was wonderful and deliciously laughter filled and exactly what the Tanya needed. I'm so tired that I just tried to enter my work copier code into my microwave so I think I'll make this brief. LOL. Hooray for delirious happy tired.

Please forgive glaring punctuation errors, etc.

Tonight I sing the gratitudes for:

1) My extended Commedia Family and our own little Sesame Strada enclave of silliness. Thank you! Thank you for being so wonderful and smart and talented and funny! Thank you!

2)The fact that we had Rocco back with us this weekend. Made my heart happy. :)

3) Molly Drew. I'm thankful for Molly and all that she is and all that she does. Truly. Thank you. (Oh...and Amarylli....she slays me ;))

4) Cybele's pumpkin pancakes! Nommity NOM!

5) Laughter, laughter, laughter, laughter, ow ow ow ow, can't breathe LAUGHTER!

6) Richard...for being a joy. Thank you, Sweets! Seeing you made me smile!

7) Good shows with moments of side-splitting WRONG! Hee hee! Hooray!

8) AMAZINGLY lovely Tapas in Gilroy with J.B. & Cybele. Tasty! Let's go back now! :) And our randomness while looking for supplies and ending up with socks and other silliness...oh and did I mention Laughter?

9) High Five! Yeah know it. ;)

10) The perfection of the weather today. So nice after last weekends cookers!

11) Seeing Amy, Bill, Amy and the rest of their wonderful entourage on Saturday. :)

12) Being so comfy while camping. I'd forgotten how comfy and cozy one could be. And how much I love the cool air on my face and the chorus of crickets singing to me as I drift off to sleep. It is lovely to re-discover. :)

13) Having a day today of feeling comfortable in my skin again after a long while of feeling off. It was nice to feel centered and happy. So nice. What a blessing.

14) All of the hugs, interactions, affection and goodness that comes with the extended faire village.

15) Being home safe and knowing that shortly I will also be clean. AND that not long after that I will be sleeeeeeping.

Hooray for this weekend. Hooray! :)

Sunset 10/2/10

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