All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #55 - 10/11/10

So much deliciousness this weekend. So much good. Thank goodness for Sesame Strada and the crazed inhabitants thereof. Thank goodness for silly fun. Just thank goodness.

I’m proud of myself for setting Monday nights as home/recovery nights. I need them and the quiet that comes with them. In the past I would have booked every single night of the week instead of just most of them, but I seem to be slowly learning the art of saying “Hey! I need time for me too.” It is a good thing. A nice lesson to be learning and living, and one I desperately needed.

In addition, I’m giving myself permission to do nothing on Mondays. I know I have photos to edit, papers to sort through, a house to tidy, etc, but last night I caught up on the rest of the Glee episodes I had missed instead. All of them except last week’s which I just watched. It was nice to do something mindless and relaxing and to be okay with doing just that.

Tonight I sing my gratitudes for:

1) Giving myself permission to do nothing and to do so without guilt.

2) The blessed hilarity of our Sunday Commedia show. Bird is the word and Cry Me a River and Shirt Ripping oh my! So much laughter. So much good.

3) Sea Dog Prom … it was silly and fun.

4) Getting to talk with Monique. Sometimes just hearing her voice makes me feel calm and good. Here’s to 20 years of friendship thus far, Dear One! I love you!

5) Getting to talk with Laura. Good and good for me! YAY!

6) Tidying my apt while I talked on the phone so that I got up to a relatively orderly home this morning.

7) Lunch with Patrick today! Thank you for wonderful conversations and for weathering the incredible shedding tree of doom. Too much funny that!

8) Transferring all of my writing over to my blog and realizing just how prolific I’ve been this past year ½. I’m proud of so many of the pieces I’ve written and it feels really good to be able to say that.

9) The fact that, much as I love taking pictures, I’ve not taken any during this faire. I know that is a funny thing to write, but what I mean by it is that I haven’t taken them because I can’t face taking the time to edit them right now, and recognizing that fact is another form of self-care and growth.

10) Being in bed by 10:30ish tonight…which I’m about to go and do.


Kind of fond of this one... :)

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