All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

5/2/09 -- Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #9

1/19/09 -- My Mother's Garden Guardian

Rob has been gone since Monday. He went up to visit his family in Montague. He was supposed to be back on Thursday, but he, unfortunately, got food poisoning and has been sick ever since. Because of this, he wisely decided that sitting in a car driving for 6 hours to get here was not such a bright idea, and is still 380 miles away. Please send healthy thoughts his way. :)

What this means is that I had unexpected time alone in my house last night and tonight, and that what I thought today was going to look like changed into something else entirely. I so rarely get time here with me and I’ve really been enjoying it. Today I also got to spend a day with a dear friend and it was wonderful. Great conversations, brilliant sandwiches from Fredy’s Deli (Thanks Sarge! *grin*), some laughter, and the breathtaking comfort of seeing someone I haven’t gotten to see in a really, really long time. Perfection.

Without further preamble, today’s Gratitudes.

1) I give deep thanks for time well spent.

2) I can’t help but love the sandwiches from Fredy’s Deli down by Ocean Beach. If you get a chance to go there, do it. The sandwiches are yumtastic, the pickles are epic and the service is sassy and adored *grin*. I ate the ever-so-tasty sando at 3 and am only NOW at 11 getting hungry again. Yum, Yum, Yum! Thanks much, Miss Thang!

3) Having time in my own company. I really enjoy it. I’ve only started to realize just how much. I think I need to find a way to spend more time with me.

4) I also appreciate freedom to do whatever I like when I have “me” time. I’m terrible at carving out alone time but I sure do appreciate it when I get it.

5) Showers. Showers are wonderful inventions and I love them. They are comforting, cleansing, relaxing, and are a safe haven for my busy brain, plus they make it so I stink pretty. *giggle* They are one of the few places I allow any thought at all to come to the forefront of my mind. If it is a nice thought I allow myself to feel bathed in it, if it is an unpleasant thought I visualize it being washed down the drain. Hooray for showers.

6) Cashmere sweaters. Cashmere sweaters are made of fuzzy goodness. Soft, lightweight, soft, warm, soft, and did I mention soft? Wearing one makes me want to pet myself in a mostly non NC-17 sort of way. *grin*

7) Writing these posts. Despite the fact that my writings here are often poorly punctuated, and include some rather swift rowing through ye olde stream of consciousness, I have a deep and abiding fondness for writing these posts.

8) I love the feeling of my ears “searching for/stretching to find sound” when I go someplace truly quiet.

9) Saturday afternoons/evenings on 91.7 KALW. I call them noodley music Saturdays. It starts at 2 p.m. with “Thistle and Shamrock” (with Fiona Ritchie), meanders along through “Folk Music and Beyond”, “A Patchwork Quilt”, and “Bluegrass Signal” and ends with “Tangents”. I’m always so happy when I can catch any or all of it. The programming is so fine. And can be heard live at

10) Having so many things to be thankful for in little ways that I can’t pinpoint one. Er…okay…how about this: I love it when my hair feels clean and soft. (Typed, of course, after tired, hair fidgeting)

Okay…the randomness of that final bit there indicates that I’m no longer running on all cylinders and now needs must sleep. G’night all! Sweet dreams!

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