All photos and content © Tanya Anguita.

Friday, May 1, 2009

5/01/09 – Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive #8

Happy Rainy May Day! In an effort not to let a case of the blues win, I’m writing my Gratitudes for the day.

1) I’m happy that I remembered to say “Rabbit! Rabbit!” this morning upon waking and prior to any other word being uttered. It is rare that I remember, but I’m always particularly tickled when I remember on May Day.

2) I’m thankful for more rain. We still need it and it makes everything feel clean.

3) I love the sound of rain on the roof and windows when I’m in bed. Can’t wait to hunker down under the covers and listen to the music of it lulling me to sleep.

4) Roses are magical flowers. I have two “Big Ben” roses and one “Peace” rose from my wonderful co-workers garden and my whole living room smells like them. I have always loved that smell. I have worn rose oil for much of my life, used to have a rose mortuary on my walls *grin*, and was teasingly called “The Rose Queen” for several years by a few friends. I’m not so fond of hothouse roses, though I do still appreciate their beauty. I really love fragrant, large bloomed roses and heritage roses. Mmmm….roses.

5) Delivery sushi. On a rainy night when I feel like hibernating, delivery sushi is like manna from heaven. Hooray for and all of their magical tastiness and convenience.

6) Paying down debts. I’ve been diligently striving to get out of debt and finished paying off the first of my personal debts to Chris today. It was such a satisfying feeling to send off that last $200 and know that I’d paid down that chunk of my debts. It makes me feel so proud of myself.

7) That leads me to why I was in debt to Chris to begin with. It is because he was incredibly generous and put me back on his health insurance last year from January – October of 2008. He told me not to pay for it until I got a job, insurance of my own, and the stability to start to pay him back. It was one of the kindest acts I’ve experienced and it really saved me more than once last year.

8) Getting complicated schedules sorted can be such an enormous relief.

9) Having a night at home to just sit and breathe. I haven’t had one in a long time and I really needed it.

10) May songs and morris tunes lilting and jingling their way through my head all day.

Not the most brilliant execution tonight but I’ve done it never-the-less. Hope this finds you all well and safe! Happy May to you!


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